The Samsung Galaxy S7 features a 5.1-inch Quad HD Super AMOLED screen, Qualcomm’s most powerful Snapdragon 820 or Exynos 8890 system chip under the hood and a Brand New Special Price 12-megapixel camera with low light superpowers. All of that runs on a new edition of TouchWiz on top of Android 6 Marshmallow. And yes, the microSD card slot is back: you can use a card of up to 200GB onf the S7.
What comes in the box?
- Samsung S7
- AC Charger & type C cable
Item condition specific
All Pre-Owned phones may show some signs of wear and tear. Each handset has undergone a rigorous 44 point check to ensure full functionality of the device. See Terms of Service.
Terms of Service
All brand new devices come with 12 month warranty and all Refurbished/Pre-Owned devices comes with 6 months warranty from us unless specified otherwise in the product description. Please note that We’ll even replace your item if your’s can’t be repaired.
SECURITY – Our shopping cart meets the strictest PCI requirements and is audited daily. We do not store any customer payment information and our servers are protected using Trust wave SSL.
OUR STOCK -All handset sold are unlocked. They offer the best combination of price and quality and can be sourced from international markets via parallel importation. Please check the network bands with your provider to ensure full compatibility. In some instances printed documentation may not be in English, even though the device is compatible with local network bands. Where this occurs and you require user manuals etc please contact us and we will provide a digital copy.
DISCLAIMER – Due to variations in stock and regional sourcing we cannot guarantee that all specifications listed are 100% correct at all times as the same model may be available in several variants. If you have any specific requirements please raise them with our team and they will provide availability on the model you require.
SHIPPING – Our items are shipped via either Australia Post or occasionally via Toll Priority. Orders over $100 would be entitled to free shipping unless otherwise stated.
RETURNS – The phone must be returned to us for all warranty purposes. Proof of purchase is mandatory for all warranty purposes.